TOP TIPS FOR CREATING A RESILIENT BUSINESS (by Dr Chris Barclay, Evolve8 Coaching).


Every business experiences challenge. Some appear to manage challenges with ease, while others struggle. The resilience of your workforce and business is the key factor which determines how you manage challenges.   


Resilience enables individuals, teams and companies to manage even the toughest challenges. Resilient behaviours improve employee well-being, productivity and impact the top and bottom line of the business. Great news, resilience is a trainable skill and your workforce and business can become more resilient with training and practice. 


In this article we discuss how resilience enables your workforce and business to thrive and share top tips on how to build strong resilience habits.     


How can resilience be used to develop high-performance teams? 


Teams must be resilient before they can be high performing. High performance is not about how teams operate when things are going well; high performance is about the positive behaviours and actions teams take when faced with complexity and challenge. Resilience gives individuals and teams the confidence and ability to define stretching goals, overcome barriers and achieve success. Resilience enables high performing teams to manage risk and uncertainty by being comfortable being uncomfortable. Strong leadership, communication, innovation and optimism are critical resilience skills which fuel high performing teams and delivery with excellence.          



What are the significant business benefits for organisations large and small?


Resilient businesses have happy, productive employees and deliver business success. Non-resilient businesses struggle and often fail. It is not possible to be a sustainable growing business, without a resilient workforce. Resilience is the ability to adapt and recover quickly from challenges. These challenges come in all shapes and sizes from economic to personnel. How well you respond or bounce back from challenges is determined by personal, team and company resilience. It is a strategic imperative for organisations large and small to develop the resilience of their workforce and business. Absence of resilience will result in anxiety, paralysis of action and poor business results. At its very best, strong resilience has the power to turn every challenge into an exciting opportunity which grows your people and business. Strong resilience creates a culture which will guarantee long-term success of your organisation and business.              



What are the core principles for building business resilience?


To build resilience in a business you must intentionally focus on both the workforce and the business processes.  


People are Top Asset - Resilient workforces are happy, productive and manage challenges as opportunities to grow skills and the business.   


Client/Customer is Boss - Think deeply about your client’s needs, always delight who you serve and in return you will have longevity and success.      


Leadership is a Must Have - Leaders must lead with resilience and develop resilience skills in the workforce.      


Communicate & Collaborate - Strong communication skills build trust and enable productive collaboration.     


Innovate or Die - Delivering what’s needed with what’s possible, ensures a business enabling focus for all innovation.    


Optimism Wins - Belief in a positive future is critical as optimists out-perform pessimists.      



How can businesses implement resilience training in their organisations?


The great news is that resilience is a trainable skill. Your workforce and business will become more resilient with quality high impact resilience training. If you are considering resilience training, please make sure you find a training provider who delivers high impact resilience training, designed to deliver positive impact on the workforce and business processes. High impact training, creates a strong reason to believe, improved resilience is worth the effort (the WHY). It explores the fundamentals of building strong personal, team and business resilience (the WHAT). Then the real magic happens when your people connect their new resilience skills, to the opportunity and challenge they and the business face (the HOW). At Evolve8 Coaching we love to partner with companies who want the many benefits of resilience - If you want to positively impact employee well-being, productivity and the top and bottom line of your business please get in touch    



How can businesses practice resilience? 


Resilience requires practice, as you are trying to overcome/retrain ingrained non resilient ways of thinking and working. Business leaders will benefit from developing their understanding of resilience and equipping the workforce with resilience skills. Encourage every employee to become a student of resilience - read, think, take action to increase resilience where-ever they can. 


There are many resilience building techniques and real value in sharing simple and powerful concepts and encouraging practice. 

Two examples to get you started   


Perception is Reality: Create a promising reality by perceiving every challenge with excitement, confidence and belief you will overcome it. Don’t be worried or anxious. How you perceive any situation will be your reality, resilient people perceive a reality that allows them to succeed. 


Positive Reframing:  You can choose how you see a challenge. Don’t focus on the negatives. Positively reframe how you see the challenge. Focus on how you will use your skills and get the help needed to overcome it.    



What role does perception play in building resilience?

“Perception is Reality”, is a critical resilience concept. Resilience starts with how challenges are perceived. Perception impacts the outcome and the happiness and productivity of those involved. How each person perceives a situation, is their unique reality of the event. This is why people see the same situation differently, one sees a challenge, another an opportunity. It is important to realise, you can choose how you perceive and manage any situation. Worrying or being anxious is likely to negatively impact the outcome and your mental health. You can and should choose to perceive challenges as situations you will overcome. This resilient approach requires practice but it’s worth it, as it will enable you to perceive any challenge you face in business or life as an exciting opportunity. 



Why is self-awareness & understanding others critical when developing your resilience? 


You can’t fix, what you don’t understand. We must understand our strengths and weaknesses before we can make a positive intervention on our development or help others. To strengthen resilience its critical to understand yourself and others. Knowing yourself (capability, confidence, ease with challenge, anxiety level) will teach you how resilient you are and identify opportunities to strengthen your resilience. Understanding others enables you to copy resilient behaviours and develop awareness of or make positive interventions where you see non-resilient behaviour. An intentional focus on developing your emotional intelligence will increase your resilience and bring many work and life benefits.               




Thank you for your interest in this awesome life and business skill


Evolve8 Coaching love to help people and businesses grow resilience skills to better manage opportunity and challenge. Resilience is a superpower, it is the secret to being happy & productive in work and life.


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